
126 lines
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//! The entrypoint to the kernel; placed before all other code.
use core::{arch::asm, ffi::CStr, hint::unreachable_unchecked, panic::PanicInfo};
use aphrodite::multiboot2::{BootInfo, CString, RootTag, Tag};
#[unsafe(link_section = ".multiboot2")]
static MULTIBOOT_HEADER: [u16; 14] = [
// Magic fields
0xE852, 0x50D6, // Magic number
0x0000, 0x0000, // Architecture, 0=i386
0x0000, 0x000E, // length of MULTIBOOT_HEADER
0x17AD, 0xAF1C, // checksum=all magic field excluding this+this=0
// Framebuffer tag- empty flags, no preference for width, height, or bit depth
0x0005, 0x0000,
0x0014, 0x0000,
0x0000, 0x0000,
// The root tag, provided directly from the multiboot bootloader.
static mut RT: *const RootTag = core::ptr::null();
// The boot info struct, created from all of the tags.
static mut BI: BootInfo = BootInfo {
mem_lower: None,
mem_upper: None,
cmdline: None,
modules: None,
memory_map: None,
bootloader_name: None,
framebuffer_info: None
// The raw pointer to bootloader-specific data.
static mut O: *const u8 = core::ptr::null();
// The magic number in eax. 0x36D76289 for multiboot2.
static mut MAGIC: u32 = 0xFFFFFFFF;
#[unsafe(link_section = ".start")]
extern "C" fn _start() -> ! {
unsafe { // Copy values provided by the bootloader out
"mov {0:e}, eax", out(reg) MAGIC // Magic number
"mov {0:e}, ebx", out(reg) O // Bootloader-specific data
unsafe {
match MAGIC {
0x36D76289 => { // Multiboot2
RT = O as *const RootTag; // This is unsafe rust! We can do whatever we want! *manical laughter*
let mut ptr = O as usize;
ptr += size_of::<RootTag>();
let mut current_tag = ptr as *const Tag;
loop {
match (*current_tag).tag_type {
0 => { // Ending tag
if (*current_tag).tag_len != 8 { // Unexpected size, something is probably up
panic!("Size of ending tag != 8");
4 => { // Basic memory information
if (*current_tag).tag_len != 16 { // Unexpected size, something is probably up
panic!("Size of basic memory information tag != 16");
BI.mem_lower = Some(*((current_tag as usize + 8) as *const u32));
BI.mem_upper = Some(*((current_tag as usize + 12) as *const u32));
// The end result of the above is adding an offset to a pointer and retrieving the value at that pointer
current_tag = (current_tag as usize + 16) as *const Tag;
1 => { // Command line
if (*current_tag).tag_len < 8 { // Unexpected size, something is probably up
panic!("Size of command line tag < 8");
let cstring = CStr::from_ptr((current_tag as usize + 8) as *const i8);
// creates a &core::ffi::CStr from the start of the command line...
let cstring = CString {
ptr: cstring.as_ptr() as *const u8,
len: cstring.to_bytes().len()
// ...which can then be converted to a aphrodite::multiboot2::CString...
current_tag = (current_tag as usize + 8 + cstring.len) as *const Tag;
// ...before the current_tag is incremented to prevent ownership issues...
BI.cmdline = Some(cstring);
// ...before lastly the BootInfo's commandline is set.
_ => { // Unknown tag type
todo!("Implement tag");
_ => { // Unknown bootloader, triple fault
"lidt 0", // Make interrupt table invalid(may or may not be invalid, depending on the bootloader, but we don't know)
"int 0h" // Try to perform an interrupt
// CPU then triple faults, thus restarting it
loop {}
#[unsafe(link_section = ".panic")]
fn handle_panic(_: &PanicInfo) -> ! {
unsafe {