Inital work. Long way to go; does not boot yet.
This commit is contained in:
10 changed files with 371 additions and 0 deletions
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
display_library: x, options="gui_debug"
port_e9_hack: enabled=1
cpu: reset_on_triple_fault=0
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
name = "kernel"
version = "0.1.0"
edition = "2024"
opt-level = "z"
strip = true
lto = true
codegen-units = 1
panic = "abort"
name = "entrypoint"
path = "src/internal/arch/x86/"
name = "aphrodite"
path = "src/include/"
Executable file
Executable file
@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
RUSTFLAGS='-Clink-arg=--script=link.x' cargo build --target i686-unknown-none.json --release -Zbuild-std
cp target/i686-unknown-none/release/kernel kernel.flat
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
"cpu": "i686",
"data-layout": "e-m:e-p:32:32-p270:32:32-p271:32:32-p272:64:64-i128:128-f64:32:64-f80:32-n8:16:32-S128",
"llvm-target": "i686-unknown-none",
"target-endian": "little",
"target-pointer-width": "32",
"target-c-int-width": "32",
"features": "-mmx,-sse,+soft-float",
"os": "none",
"arch": "x86",
"panic-strategy": "abort",
"disable-redzone": true,
"code-model": "kernel",
"crt-objects-fallback": "false",
"linker": "rust-lld",
"linker-flavor": "gnu-lld",
"max-atomic-width": 32,
"metadata": {
"description": "Freestanding/bare-metal i686 softfloat",
"host_tools": false,
"std": false,
"tier": 3
Executable file
Executable file
Binary file not shown.
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
.text : {
. = ALIGN(8);
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
//! Constants used throughout kernel code.
/// The assembly port number to output debug messages to.
pub const DEBUG_PORT: u8 = 0xE9;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
//! This provides syscalls(for userspace programs) and types(for userspace and kernelspace programs) for the Aphrodite kernel.
mod constants;
pub mod multiboot2;
pub use constants::*;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,229 @@
//! Definitions of structs for multiboot2 information. Mostly used during pre-userspace.
/// Used when a CString is passed. Move into separate file?
pub struct CString {
/// The raw pointer to the string.
pub ptr: *const u8,
/// The length of the string, excluding the null byte(\0) at the end.
pub len: usize,
impl core::ops::Index<usize> for CString {
type Output = u8;
fn index(&self, index: usize) -> &Self::Output {
unsafe {
if index>self.len {
panic!("index into CString too large");
let mut ptr = self.ptr as usize;
ptr += index * size_of::<u8>();
let ptr = ptr as *const u8;
/// Used for Multiboot2 tags. This shouldn't be used after a [BootInfo] struct has been initalized, but it still can be used.
#[repr(align(1))] // may or may not be necessary, but I'm not taking chances
pub struct Tag {
/// The type of the tag.
pub tag_type: u32,
/// The length of the tag.
pub tag_len: u32,
/// A pointer to after [tag_len](Tag::tag_len). This is where most type-specific data is.
pub data_ptr: *const u8
/// The root tag. The official Multiboot2 name is literally the "fixed part" of the tags, so I made a better name.
#[repr(align(1))] // may or may not be necessary, but I'm not taking chances
pub struct RootTag {
/// The total length between the root tag and the terminating tag.
/// You can also search for the tag that has a type of 0 and a length of 8.
pub total_len: u32,
/// Reserved space. Unused for anything.
reserved: u32,
/// A pointer to right after the reserved space. Should be a pointer to the next tag.
pub tag_ptr: *const u8
/// A Multiboot2 module. See (remember to update link later!).
pub struct Module {
/// A pointer to the start of the module
pub mod_start: *const u8,
/// A pointer to the end of the module
pub mod_end: *const u8,
/// A string that should be in the format `module_name (command line arguments)`.
/// See (remember to update link later!).
pub mod_str: CString
/// All modules provided by the bootloader. Very similar to [CString].
pub struct Modules {
/// A pointer to the first module. All modules should be consecutive.
pub ptr: *const Module,
/// The number of modules. If zero, [ptr](Modules::ptr) should not be trusted!
pub modules_num: usize
impl core::ops::Index<usize> for Modules {
type Output = Module;
fn index(&self, index: usize) -> &Self::Output {
unsafe {
if index>self.modules_num {
panic!("index into Modules too large");
let mut ptr = self.ptr as usize;
ptr += index * size_of::<Module>();
let ptr = ptr as *const Module;
/// One memory section provided by a Multiboot2 bootloader.
#[repr(align(1))] // may or may not be necessary, but I'm not taking chances
pub struct MemorySection {
/// The base address of the section.
pub base_addr: u64,
/// The length of the section.
pub length: u64,
/// The type of the section. Name is changed from the one provided in the Multiboot2 docs
/// as "type" is a keyword in rust.
pub mem_type: u32,
/// Reserved space. Should be ignored.
reserved: u32,
/// A full memory map provided by a Multiboot2 bootloader.
pub struct MemoryMap {
/// The version of the memory map. Should be disregarded as it's 0.
pub version: u32, // currently is 0, future Multiboot2 versions may increment
/// Size of one entry(one [MemorySection] for Aphrodite)
pub entry_size: u32,
/// A pointer to the first section.
pub sections: *const MemorySection,
/// The number of sections.
pub sections_len: usize
/// A color descriptor for [ColorInfo::Palette].
#[repr(align(1))] // may or may not be necessary, but I'm not taking chances
pub struct PaletteColorDescriptor {
/// The red value
pub red: u8,
/// The green value
pub green: u8,
/// The blue value
pub blue: u8
/// Information about color, for use in [FramebufferInfo].
#[repr(align(1))] // may or may not be necessary, but I'm not taking chances
pub enum ColorInfo {
/// The palette for use on the framebuffer.
Palette {
/// The number of colors in the palette.
num_colors: u32,
/// The first color in the palette.
palette: *const PaletteColorDescriptor
/// RGB information for use on the framebuffer.
RGBColor {
/// Red color information.
red_field_position: u8,
/// See above.
red_mask_size: u8,
/// Green color information.
green_field_position: u8,
/// See above.
green_mask_size: u8,
/// Blue color information.
blue_field_position: u8,
/// See above.
blue_mask_size: u8,
/// Information about the framebuffer.
#[repr(align(1))] // may or may not be necessary, but I'm not taking chances
pub struct FramebufferInfo {
/// A pointer to the framebuffer.
pub address: *mut u8,
/// The pitch of the framebuffer (i.e. the number of bytes in each row).
pub pitch: u32,
/// The width of the framebuffer.
pub width: u32,
/// The height of the framebuffer.
pub height: u32,
/// Bits per pixel.
pub bpp: u8,
/// The type of the framebuffer. 0=indexed, 1=RGB, 2=text.
pub fb_type: u8,
/// Reserved space. Ignore.
reserved: u8,
/// Color info. None if [fb_type](FramebufferInfo::fb_type) is 2.
pub color_info: Option<ColorInfo>
/// Boot info collected from provided [Tag]s.
pub struct BootInfo {
/// See
/// Tl;dr: mem_lower indicates the amount of "lower memory"
/// and mem_upper the amount of "upper memory".
pub mem_lower: Option<u32>,
/// See above
pub mem_upper: Option<u32>,
// Multiboot2 bootloaders may provide us with the BIOS device and partition, but we're not interested.
// To ensure future developers don't get any ideas, I'm leaving it out here.
// If you need it, good luck.
/// We're provided with a C-style UTF-8(null-terminated UTF-8) string. This should contain the original pointer provided by
/// the bootloader.
/// See (remember to update link later!) for the format.
pub cmdline: Option<CString>,
/// All modules provided by the bootloader.
pub modules: Option<Modules>,
// Multiboot2 bootloaders may provide us with ELF symbols, but I'm feeling lazy and right now the kernel is a
// flat binary, so I don't care. Sorry if you are affected by this.
/// The memory map provided by the bootloader.
pub memory_map: Option<MemoryMap>,
/// The name of the bootloader(for example, "GRUB"). C-style UTF-8(null-terminated UTF-8) string.
/// This should contain the original pointer provided by the bootloader.
pub bootloader_name: Option<CString>,
// APM table is ignored as APM has been superseded by ACPI. If your system doesn't support ACPI, good luck.
// VBE table is ignored for a similar reason to above: it's deprecated. Good luck if you need it.
pub framebuffer_info: Option<FramebufferInfo>,
// Even though SMBIOS is documented for Multiboot2, we're not using it and will instead search for it ourselves.
// This is because right now I cannot figure out what format it provides the SMBIOS table in.
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
//! The entrypoint to the kernel; placed before all other code.
use core::{arch::asm, hint::unreachable_unchecked, panic::PanicInfo};
use aphrodite::multiboot2::{BootInfo, RootTag, Tag};
#[unsafe(link_section = ".multiboot2")]
static MULTIBOOT_HEADER: [u16; 14] = [
// Magic fields
0xE852, 0x50D6, // Magic number
0x0000, 0x0000, // Architecture, 0=i386
0x0000, 0x000E, // length of MULTIBOOT_HEADER
0x17AD, 0xAF1C, // checksum=all magic field excluding this+this=0
// Framebuffer tag- empty flags, no preference for width, height, or bit depth
0x0005, 0x0000,
0x0014, 0x0000,
0x0000, 0x0000,
static mut RT: *const RootTag = core::ptr::null();
static mut BI: *const BootInfo = core::ptr::null();
static mut O: *const u8 = core::ptr::null();
static mut MAGIC: u32 = 0xFFFFFFFF;
#[unsafe(link_section = ".start")]
extern "C" fn _start() -> ! {
unsafe { // Copy values provided by the bootloader out
"mov {0:e}, eax", out(reg) MAGIC // Magic number
"mov {0:e}, ebx", out(reg) O // Bootloader-specific data
unsafe {
match MAGIC {
0x36d76289 => { // Multiboot2
RT = O as *const RootTag; // This is unsafe rust! We can do whatever we want! *manical laughter*
_ => { // Unknown bootloader, triple fault
"lidt 0", // Make interrupt table invalid(may or may not be invalid, depending on the bootloader, but we don't know)
"int 0h" // Try to perform an interrupt
// CPU then triple faults, thus restarting it
loop {}
#[unsafe(link_section = ".panic")]
fn handle_panic(_: &PanicInfo) -> ! {
unsafe {
Add table
Reference in a new issue