tiling { tiling_factor = 180; } keybinds { $act = meta; select_left = $act+left; select_right = $act+right; select_down = $act+down; select_up = $act+up; # or: #select_all = $act+arrow; # valid general keysets: # arrow number letter 1strow # 2ndrow 3rdrow mod symbol # function special # you can also add the prefix # "non" to the start of any # keyset to get any key except # that keyset. keyset special # is keys including modifiers, # backspace, tab, enter expand_all = $act+shift+arrow; move_all = $act+alt+arrow; select_workspace_all = $act+W+arrow; move_workspace_all = $act+W+alt+arrow; bookmark_workspace_all = $act+B+shift+number; jump_workspace_all = $act+B+number; } include = file2.nua; env = WINDOW_MANAGER=nuarth;