> As you are walking by a table in [#cafe](https://hackclub.slack.com/archives/C02A74Z7G7L), you overhear the two owners talking about a plan.
> *"Okay, so we would break in to the museum and then steal loot over the course of, say, two months, before we check in and see if we need more time, so nobody suspects anything,"*, says Orpheus, before downing her cup of coffee brewed by Heidi.
> *"Sounds good to me. Wouldn't we need a team though?"* Heidi responds.
> *"Hm, true,"* Orpheus says before looking around and, seeing you, pulling you over, before saying, *"Well, you saw and heard us planning, do you want to join us?"*
Operation: Hack is a proposed hackclub YSWS where you get loot for reaching certain milestones in writing an OS[^1], which you can exchange for real-world prizes! You'll be starting with the kernel and eventually get to writing userspace programs. The kernel isn't the "core" part of the OS necessarily, but it is usually the first thing that runs when the computer starts up. It (generally) provides abstractions of the hardware to programs running in userspace (which includes the OS) along with managing process/memory safety (i.e. preventing running processes from accessing memory that isn't theirs) and more!
The ideas for milestones(all optional and may be adjusted for different types of kernels, along with loot values probably changing in the future) are listed below(in no particular order):